Robotopia: A Strategic Eurogame of Robot Revolutionaries

Robotopia: A Strategic Eurogame of Robot Revolutionaries

A dynamic worker placement game about tyranny and revolution in the great robot factory!

44,661 USD
of 25,000 USD Goal


Language independence for gameplay, rulebook is currently available in English
Upgraded the regular card deck into a stack of nice punchboard custom cut tiles
With all the unlocks... that EIGHT extra GUILD TILES unlocked... 2 for each guild!
A set of "starting goal" objective cards as a mini-expansion that will give you gameplay direction

The robot factory has been ruled by the master robot for over 100 years. In this worker placement game designed by Peter C. Hayward (Critter Kitchen, That Time You Killed Me), you take on the role of a robot revolutionary, gaining influence among the guilds to overthrow the tyrannical Master Robot. You'll need to send out your unique workers to manipulate the ever-changing factory, build up your allies, and collect the scraps left behind when robots are crushed into cubes! 

Click the graphic above or CLICK HERE to read the draft rulebook in Google Doc format. This is a living document with notes and some content that may not match the kickstarter page exactly (as it has evolved). The Kickstarter campaign has the official information (like components and labels/terminology, etc). We have not started the proofreading and graphic design yet but if you have ever backed a Jellybean or Coffeebean game from any of our other campaigns you know we make things look beautiful ! So please ask us any questions on HOW TO PLAY in the comments so we can explain it to everyone if things are unclear, we are happy to chat about the game anytime.

The ROBOTOPEDIA is live... this is a fully automated artificial intelligent Chat GPT model we built and populated with everything known about Robotopia... the stories, the lore, the history of Master Robot... PLUS the complete rulebook and details about this Kickstarter campaign itself. You can ask it questions, dig deep into the origin stories of the world of Robotopia and explore the game in conversational fun and informative ways. Ask it anything you like about ROBOTOPIA from rules to characters, from how to play to how shipping works on this campaign... it is a bot there to serve you!

(You will need a free chatGPT account to use it, but it only takes a second to sign up at the link when ya click and can be really fun to dig into)

All pledge levels come with the promo pack!

RETAILERS / GAME STORES: Since we will not be offering this game through general distribution at this time, you can back this campaign if you’d like to carry Robotopia in your store. You’ll be able to order a mix-and-match quantity to suit your needs. You can use the Retailer pledge level and we will work with you to verify your status at the end of the campaign. Once verified, you will be able to complete your order in the pledge manager. Please email us at if you have any questions for how our retailer or kickstarter store deposit program works.

The Factory Overdrive expansion adds an entirely new set of 12 double-sided factory tiles to the game with a unique twist! Every time the Master Robot lands on one of these new factory tiles, it flips and reveals a new and improved action space.

This expansion is included in the Deluxe and All-In Editions!

The Fifth Player expansion includes everything you need to play Robotopia at 5 players!

  • 13 custom, screen-printed meeples
  • 7 new influence tokens
  • 5 battery tokens
  • 1 player mat
  • 8 generator tokens
  • 28 resource cubes

This expansion is included in the All-In Edition or available as an add-on!

The Master Upgrade expansion introduces 4 unique Master Robots, each with its own custom miniature! The Efficiency Bot produces extra cubes when crushing robots working in their own zone. The Recruitment Bot can gather robots instead of cubes. The Greedy Bot is larger and takes up two spaces instead of one. And the Baby Robot follows along behind the Master Robot, activating one extra action space.

This expansion is included with the All-In Edition or available as an add-on!

We’re adding A BRAND-NEW UPGRADE or BONUS CONTENT EVERY SINGLE DAY for DELUXE and ALL-IN backers, leading up to the FINAL 48 HOURS! From November 5th to the 13th, new content, exciting component upgrades, and surprises GALORE will be automatically INCLUDED in your pledge! 🎉 NO CATCH, NO STRINGS ATTACHED, and NO EXTRA COSTS—these upgrades are YOURS just because we’re funded!

💥 Check back DAILY to see what new, amazing additions we’ve packed into your box... PLUS, with each stretch goal we reach, there’s even more potential for additional content on top of these DAILY BONUSES! Don’t miss a single reveal! 🔥


That's right, TWO more guild cards (tiles) and a whole new solo mode is included the box. Check back tomorrow for the next upgrade!


We wanted to make Robotopia 100% colorblind-friendly and now we have! Each of the four different cube colors will be a different size! And the troublesome green and red cube colors will be very distinctly detectable in their sizes... we will be making the cubes FOUR UNIQUE SIZES... smallest (yellow) to red, then blue, then the largest (green) to line up with the 4 sizes and strength of the matching robot meeples! Because we all know that a tiny yellow bot doesn't get crushed into the same amount of scrap as the big ol' green bots!


Here comes TWO more unique guild variable setup tiles plus another SOLO MODE... if you are a regular solo gamer, we are going to be including full size solo mode sheets for each one we release. These unique guilds and solo modes are ON TOP of the regular stretch goal ones we are very close to throwing in as well. 


We are upgrading all the action cards and the bot generator punch outs to use gold foil accents to really make the components pop. This will add a nice metallic look to the actions and those powered up generators. Now if you have the metal batteries combined with the gold foiled components you will have a true metal bot factory rolling. All deluxe and all-in pledge levels will get this upgrade automatically!


With this new unlock... there will now be 2 more guild tiles added (we are up to 6 extra guild tiles plus any stretch goal unlocks). A FOURTH solo mode will be printed and included with every deluxe and all-in copy. As we get ready to head into the final week of the campaign we have some really cool freebies getting added in!


There are going to be a lot of "firsts" you and your fellow bots will be racing to put your names on. Were you the first to win a game before any other player even placed their 3rd influence?... You were, write your name on the board! Were you the first bot to place two influence tokens in two different guilds on the same turn?... Claim another slot on this victory board. There will be a bunch of fun challenges you will want to forever get your name on that "high score" achievement board that gets kept in the box and forever memorialized! 


The Deluxe and ALL-IN editions will now come with a chunky wooden factory as the new first player marker in every box!


The DELUXE EDITION will now include 28 (4 players x 7 each) WOODEN INFLUENCE tokens (the 5TH player expansion will also include the WOOD influence for the extra player as well)... So the ALL-IN edition will include all 35 influence tokens in the nice chunky wood custom shaped bits.


That's right all you bots looking to start up a rebellion... we are upgrading the main board to have TWO layers of nice thick chipboard so that all the factory tiles, guild tiles, conveyor pieces, influence (fuel cell) tokens, plus the schematic tiles can all plug right into the board, stay locked in place, and just give you that real 3D factory floor feeling as you pop all those custom robot meeples and the 4 unique master robot miniatures around Robotopia... working and getting scrapped into cubes!

A set of "starting goal" objective cards as a mini-expansion that will give you gameplay direction
Can we get all the way to $50K and unlock every possible stretch goal?


Want to see Robotopia in action? Check out the videos below!

Shipping costs will be charged after the campaign. Please be aware before backing the project that you may be responsible for import duties, taxes, and/or brokerage fees. We strive to ensure fair prices for everyone!

*VAT will be collected for applicable countries in the pledge manager.

Risks and challenges

This is our twenty-ninth project (previous campaigns were run from our Blue Beard Entertainment account), and we don’t expect to run into any problems with this one. We’ve proven time and again that our games are produced and delivered with top-notch quality. Bean Games is renowned for keeping our backers in the loop through our comprehensive updates. When you back one of our campaigns, you know you’re in good hands! If you have any questions, you can message us through Kickstarter or email us directly at for a prompt response. We know that you’re going to get a kick out of Robotopia - so much so that we’re offering a full money-back guarantee! At any point, before we ship, you can get in contact for a full refund. As well as that, if you decide Robotopia isn’t for you within a month of receiving it, you can return it and get your money back, no questions asked.

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Update #2

Pledge Manager is Live!

2025-01-21 20:33:57 Read More
Update #1

Pledge Manager Launching on Friday!

2025-01-15 22:45:18 Read More
Pledge Levels
Deluxe Edition
Deluxe Edition

One copy of the Deluxe Edition of Robotopia!


• Robotopia
• Custom, screen-printed meeples
• Factory Overdrive expansion
• Robotopia promo pack
• All relevant stretch goals

Pledge $79

Estimated Delivery: Nov 2025

All-In Edition
All-In Edition

Get everything for Robotopia!

• Robotopia
• Custom, screen-printed meeples
• Factory Overdrive expansion
• 5th Player expansion
• Master Upgrade expansion
• Acrylic conveyor tiles
• Metal battery tokens
• Neoprene player mats
• Robotopia promo pack
• All relevant stretch goals

Pledge $129

Estimated Delivery: Nov 2025

Retailer Deposit
Retailer Deposit

Mix and match addons as you see fit!

Must order at least 6 copies, in any combination of pledge levels.

50% Discount off MSRP

Pledge $165

Estimated Delivery: Nov 2025

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