

Assume the role of an aspiring mountaineer hiking up iconic hills from around the world, featuring a new

198,354 USD
of 15,000 USD Goal

On your turn, perform one of three possible actions: Rest, Prepare, or Climb. Take one of your larger action cubes and place it in the furtherest left open spot on your player mat.

Rest: When you need to regain your energy for your next climb, chose the Rest action. Then, travel to any continent and either gain energy up to your stamina or gain [2] energy.

Prepare: If you are in need of more mountain passes or gear such as a tent or carabiner, choose the Prepare action.

Climb: If you believe you are ready to scale the heights, choose to Climb. Make sure you meet all the requirements, chose between two sets of rewards, and get your engine going! The goal is to plant those flags all over the globe!

Pay attention to what others are planning, as you'll be able to "tag along" on their climb and reap the benefits they didn't choose. There's no room for "down time" in PEAKS.

As the game progresses, you'll earn experience so you can conquer the more difficult climbs and earn even bigger rewards!

Things really start ramping up as you unlock upgrades that allow you to perform additional steps in each of the three actions. Remember those larger cubes mentioned earlier? 

Once you have three of them sitting above a particular action, you can remove all action cubes to gain the associated bonus: Gain [1] permanent stamina, upgrade an action die or place a flag on the board/move three experience spaces.

Along your expedition, you'll meet friendly faces. These Companions will assist during your climbs by lending gear, sharing experience, and boosting your energy. 

Play concludes when one player positions their final flag on the game map. All other players with flags still remaining get one more turn.

Whoever has the most flags across all continents, including end game bonus flags earned through area majority and private objective cards, takes the victory!

1. Choose Your Reward: Select your desired reward tier and make a pledge by clicking on the green pledge button below each offer.

2. Pledge Collection: If the campaign reaches its funding goal, Kickstarter will collect your payment.

3. Pledge Manager: A few weeks after the Kickstarter campaign concludes, we will give access to the pledge manager. We are using a platform called Hive Interactive. Here you may modify your order, add extras of your choice and provide your shipping address. In the pledge manager, we will collect applicable taxes and payment for shipping.

4. Frequent Updates: Along the entire process, we will send you email updates with the latest PEAKS news so you are always informed and ready for delivery!

All UpdatesUpdate #3

We are 100% FUNDED!!

2024-06-25 19:34:17

Thanks to all of you, we are 100% funded and just shy of 200% in less than 4 hours! We raised $15,000 in 40 minutes. We are forever grateful for your support and encouragement in such a small amount of time:)

What's next? Well, our Alpinist Pledge, which awards backers with a Companion in their likeness, performed so well we will be adding 15 more slots! They will be available around 10 am EST tomorrow, June 26. This gives everyone as fair of a shot as possible.

We will also be announcing our first weekly reveal Friday, 28 at 10 am EST, so stay tuned and chat amongst yourselves. We'll be around:)

Bryan & Brandon

Pledge Levels
Aspiring Climber
Aspiring Climber

Peaks Base Game

Pledge $49

Estimated Delivery: May 2025


Peaks Deluxe Game

Pledge $69

Estimated Delivery: May 2025


Peaks Mountain Dice Tray, Peaks Deluxe Game, Peaks Neoprene Game Mat

Pledge $89

Estimated Delivery: May 2025

Trail Hiker (Retailer)
Trail Hiker (Retailer)

6 Peaks Deluxe Game

Pledge $207

Estimated Delivery: May 2025

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