Compete for priority in a thriving ecosystem in order to best serve your Nestlings in this dice placement, area majority game.
of 36,000 USD Goal

A game of Nestlings is played over 4 rounds. Each round players will...

Each Biome is populated with unique Resources according the amount of players at the table +1. This means there will always be at least a single Resource for everyone who visits each Biome!

Each round players will roll a set number of dice, and then, optionally choose to re-roll any of those dice before placing them into Biomes. This allows players the opportunity to mitigate any dice rolls that wouldn't otherwise be beneficial.

After rolling dice, each player places one die in the Biome matching the icon on the top of the die. Players play dice one at a time, until they have either: A) placed all of their dice, or B) have chosen to pass, saving one of their dice to use in the following round.

The competition in Nestlings is rooted on gaining priority in the Biome. Biome priority is based on a top-down, left-to-right system, meaning players who place dice first in any Biome will gain priority, however, if a player places more dice in that same Biome, they take priority from the player who placed first.
Gaining priority is crucial to getting the Resources you need and satisfying your Nestlings. The priority winning player gets to choose which Resource type they'll take first, as well as which type will get discarded back into the Biome bag. This element of strategy entices players to think critically about their dice placement options in order to maximize the efficiency of their placed dice.

After all dice have been placed in a round, players gather Resources and either: A) Feed your native Resources to your Nestlings, or B) Save those Resources, along with Resources not from your respective Biome, below your player board.
Feeding your Nestlings will pay off immediately, resulting in Victory Points gained at the end of the round, while saving Resources to complete the elusive public Gathering Goals, or your own private Nest Goals is a long-term strategy that will pay off at the end of the game.
Which will you choose? Feed your Nestlings to capitalize on points immediately, or hunker down, collect Resources, and surprise your Avian competitors by capitalizing on a Gathering Goal?

Each time a player collects a unique Resource, they gather the corresponding Biome Segment, adding it to their Resource Ring. The Resource Ring features a wealth of strategic opportunities for players to utilize. Each Biome Segment is scored, each round, making it valuable to diversify the selection of Resources in order to maximize the effeciency of the Resource Ring.

In addition to capitalizing on points gained from Biome Segments, the Resource Ring also features powerful bonuses that are activated once an individual section of the Resource Ring is completed. These bonuses can be used to chain react into other bonuses, causing a cascade of gaining additional Resources and Biome Segments, satisfying Gathering Goals for fewer Resources, and even paying another player for a Resource that they've stashed beneath their player board!

Each player has the opportunity to compete and score points from the elusive public Gathering Goals. These goals are difficult to achieve but offer players a substantial amount of Victory Points for their completion.

Please Note: Shipping & VAT (where applicable) are not included in the Kickstarter Pledge price and will be calculated post campaign with the best available rates among our fulfillment partners!

*Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Phillipines, Singapore, Tiawan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia
**Not custom friendly
***We do not ship to Russia, Afghanistan, Ukraine, South America, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Brazil
VAT: In order to maintain compliance with EU & UK law, VAT fees will be charged after the project, within the Hive Pledge Manager. The amount collected will be based on the total value of the pledge and shipping cost according to the VAT rates of each country.
Shipping: Fees for each reward listed in the table above are estimates based on current rates and shipping a single game. Additional items will add to this cost. Shipping will be collected within the Pledge Manager after the conclusion of the campaign. Backers will provide their shipping address at this time as well.
Note: If your country is not listed above, either we are unable to ship to the location or will need to provide fees closer to delivery. Please inquire via Kickstarter message for further information and to discuss options. You may also email bryan@tangerine.games.

Nestlings Shipping Update
2024-06-06 18:40:46Hello Friends!
Sorry for the longer gap between updates. We didn't want to blast your inbox with small bits and pieces if we didn't have anything too substantial to report. Below are some updates although nothing to get super excited about:)
We are using VFI to fulfill pledges in Asia and Australia. Games have been picked up and are currently at VFI warehouse and in their system. You can follow the process here.
We are using Bridge Distribution for US and our friends at Hive (Greece) to personally handle Canada.
One reason we hadn't posted an update was there was a slight delay in picking the games up from China and we were also hoping to have a tracking number of the boat for you, but to no avail. As soon as we have tracking on the freight, I'll post another update.
We are commissioning Happy Shops/Green Logistics for EU/ROW (depending on location/rates) and Zatu for UK. We had another delay here as our manufacturer was extremely slow in providing the correct paper work for customs and such. Our friends over at Hive went over and beyond and basically did their work for them so we can get things moving.
All that said, this freight is also on the high seas and we will provide a tracking number as soon as we receive it.
UK Games Expo
Members of the Lucky Duck team showcased Nestlings at UKGE last weekend and the reception was great.
The main booth manager said, "We demoed Nestlings and it was well received. I wish we had inventory there. I think it would have sold well with all the interest we had." This is great news so thank you all for making this happen.
Another content creator told Brandon every time she went by the Lucky Duck booth to look at Nestlings, the table was always busy. Again, all because of you!
1 Billion Percent Transparency
Our bank account is in a healthy place for a small indie company so your games will be delivered. Freight is paid and partial fulfillment has been paid so games can go out to you without a hiccup.
We've also been able to work towards PEAKS and other upcoming titles due to our partnership with Lucky Duck. This allows us to us backer funds for the actually game they pledged.
It also helps with the daily/monthly fees such as QuickBooks for accounting, website/domains, Google Suites, Email client subscriptions, software for creativity, and marketing about Tangerine Games as a whole.
Finally, while we asked for photos not to be shared so we didn't unintentionally upset backers, you may have seen some images/BGG reviews & ratings pop up on social media from Norway.
We had a tough decision to make: at the beginning of the Nestlings campaign in June of last year, a retailer from Norway reached out asking when games would be fulfilling and would it happen before their smaller Convention in May. We said yes, because at that time it seemed very reasonable.
However, things happened and our backs were up against the wall, as the retailer had ordered 80 Deluxe copies and 20 dice tray sets. Nestlings was the featured game. So here's what we did...
We pleaded with our manufacturer to assembly the Norway order as soon as they were complete, put them on a pallet and have them ready for pick up. Getting the product from China to Norway in a week cost $2,300 alone. Basically, we made a very small profit from this order. But...
It was worth it as they were ecstatic and clamored that this was the first time Norway received any type of new release first due to logistics. And THIS is why we want to make games.
Talk soon!
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